Currently we are tracking 150 regions at 5 cloud provider vendors as part of the SC Crawler project:
Amazon Web Services
Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud Platform
Hetzner Cloud
Council Bluffs (US) | Google Cloud Platform | United States | 2009 | |
St. Ghislain (BE) | Google Cloud Platform | Belgium | 2015 | |
The Dalles (US) | Google Cloud Platform | United States | 2016 | |
Changhua County (TW) | Google Cloud Platform | Taiwan | 2013 | |
Moncks Corner (US) | Google Cloud Platform | United States | 2015 | |
Tokyo (JP) | Google Cloud Platform | Japan | 2016 | |
Jurong West (SG) | Google Cloud Platform | Singapore | 2017 | |
Ashburn (US) | Google Cloud Platform | United States | 2017 | |
Sydney (AU) | Google Cloud Platform | Australia | 2017 | |
London (GB) | Google Cloud Platform | United Kingdom | 2017 | |
Frankfurt (DE) | Google Cloud Platform | Germany | 2017 | |
Osasco (BR) | Google Cloud Platform | Brazil | 2017 | |
Mumbai (IN) | Google Cloud Platform | India | 2017 | |
Montréal (CA) | Google Cloud Platform | Canada | 2018 | |
Eemshaven (NL) | Google Cloud Platform | Netherlands | 2018 | |
Hamina (FI) | Google Cloud Platform | Finland | 2018 | |
Los Angeles (US) | Google Cloud Platform | United States | 2018 | |
Hong Kong | Google Cloud Platform | Hong Kong SAR China | 2018 | |
Zurich (CH) | Google Cloud Platform | Switzerland | 2019 | |
Osaka (JP) | Google Cloud Platform | Japan | 2019 | |
Seoul (KR) | Google Cloud Platform | South Korea | 2020 | |
Salt Lake City (US) | Google Cloud Platform | United States | 2020 | |
Las Vegas (US) | Google Cloud Platform | United States | 2020 | |
Jakarta (ID) | Google Cloud Platform | Indonesia | 2020 | |
Warsaw (PL) | Google Cloud Platform | Poland | 2021 | |
Toronto (CA) | Google Cloud Platform | Canada | 2021 | |
Delhi (IN) | Google Cloud Platform | India | 2021 | |
Melbourne (AU) | Google Cloud Platform | Australia | 2021 | |
Santiago (CL) | Google Cloud Platform | Chile | 2021 | |
Milan (IT) | Google Cloud Platform | Italy | 2022 | |
Paris (FR) | Google Cloud Platform | France | 2022 | |
Columbus (US) | Google Cloud Platform | United States | 2022 | |
Madrid (ES) | Google Cloud Platform | Spain | 2022 | |
Dallas (US) | Google Cloud Platform | United States | 2022 | |
Tel Aviv (IL) | Google Cloud Platform | Israel | 2022 | |
Turin (IT) | Google Cloud Platform | Italy | 2023 | |
Doha (QA) | Google Cloud Platform | Qatar | 2023 | |
Berlin (DE) | Google Cloud Platform | Germany | 2023 | |
Dammam (SA) | Google Cloud Platform | Saudi Arabia | 2023 | |
Johannesburg (ZA) | Google Cloud Platform | South Africa | 2024 | |
Queretaro (MX) | Google Cloud Platform | Mexico | 2025 | |
Stockholm (SE) | Google Cloud Platform | Sweden | 2025 | |
Nuremberg (DE) | Hetzner Cloud | Germany | - | |
Helsinki (FI) | Hetzner Cloud | Finland | - | |
Falkenstein (DE) | Hetzner Cloud | Germany | - | |
Ashburn, VA (US) | Hetzner Cloud | United States | - | |
Hillsboro, OR (US) | Hetzner Cloud | United States | - | |
Singapore (SG) | Hetzner Cloud | Singapore | - | |
Cape Town (ZA) | Amazon Web Services | South Africa | 2020 | |
Hong Kong (HK) | Amazon Web Services | Hong Kong SAR China | 2019 | |
Tokyo (JP) | Amazon Web Services | Japan | 2011 | |
Seoul (KR) | Amazon Web Services | South Korea | 2016 | |
Osaka (JP) | Amazon Web Services | Japan | 2021 | |
Mumbai (IN) | Amazon Web Services | India | 2016 | |
Hyderabad (IN) | Amazon Web Services | India | 2022 | |
Singapore (SG) | Amazon Web Services | Singapore | 2010 | |
Sydney (AU) | Amazon Web Services | Australia | 2012 | |
Jakarta (ID) | Amazon Web Services | Indonesia | 2021 | |
Melbourne (AU) | Amazon Web Services | Australia | 2023 | |
Australia Central (AU) | Microsoft Azure | Australia | 2018 | |
Australia Central 2 (AU) | Microsoft Azure | Australia | 2018 | |
Australia East (AU) | Microsoft Azure | Australia | 2014 | |
Australia Southeast (AU) | Microsoft Azure | Australia | 2014 | |
Sydney #1 (AU) | UpCloud | Australia | 2021 | |
Brazil South (BR) | Microsoft Azure | Brazil | 2014 | |
Brazil Southeast (US) | Microsoft Azure | United States | - | |
Brazil US (BR) | Microsoft Azure | Brazil | - | |
Quebec (CA) | Amazon Web Services | Canada | 2016 | |
Canada Central (CA) | Microsoft Azure | Canada | 2016 | |
Canada East (CA) | Microsoft Azure | Canada | 2016 | |
Calgary (CA) | Amazon Web Services | Canada | 2023 | |
Central India (IN) | Microsoft Azure | India | 2015 | |
Central US (US) | Microsoft Azure | United States | 2014 | |
Central US EUAP (US) | Microsoft Azure | United States | - | |
Beijing (CN) | Amazon Web Services | China | 2016 | |
Ningxia (CN) | Amazon Web Services | China | 2017 | |
Frankfurt #1 (DE) | UpCloud | Germany | 2015 | |
East Asia (HK) | Microsoft Azure | Hong Kong SAR China | 2010 | |
East US (US) | Microsoft Azure | United States | 2012 | |
East US 2 (US) | Microsoft Azure | United States | 2014 | |
East US 2 EUAP (US) | Microsoft Azure | United States | - | |
East US STG (US) | Microsoft Azure | United States | - | |
Madrid #1 (ES) | UpCloud | Spain | 2020 | |
Frankfurt (DE) | Amazon Web Services | Germany | 2014 | |
Zurich (CH) | Amazon Web Services | Switzerland | 2022 | |
Stockholm (SE) | Amazon Web Services | Sweden | 2018 | |
Milan (IT) | Amazon Web Services | Italy | 2020 | |
Aragón (ES) | Amazon Web Services | Spain | 2022 | |
Dublin (IE) | Amazon Web Services | Ireland | 2007 | |
London (GB) | Amazon Web Services | United Kingdom | 2016 | |
Paris (FR) | Amazon Web Services | France | 2017 | |
Helsinki #1 (FI) | UpCloud | Finland | 2011 | |
Helsinki #2 (FI) | UpCloud | Finland | 2018 | |
France Central (FR) | Microsoft Azure | France | 2018 | |
France South (FR) | Microsoft Azure | France | - | |
Germany North (DE) | Microsoft Azure | Germany | - | |
Germany West Central (DE) | Microsoft Azure | Germany | 2019 | |
Tel Aviv (IL) | Amazon Web Services | Israel | 2023 | |
Indonesia Central (ID) | Microsoft Azure | Indonesia | 2025 | |
Israel Central (IL) | Microsoft Azure | Israel | 2023 | |
Italy North (IT) | Microsoft Azure | Italy | 2023 | |
Japan East (JP) | Microsoft Azure | Japan | 2014 | |
Japan West (JP) | Microsoft Azure | Japan | 2014 | |
Jio India Central (IN) | Microsoft Azure | India | - | |
Jio India West (IN) | Microsoft Azure | India | - | |
Korea Central (KR) | Microsoft Azure | South Korea | 2017 | |
Korea South (KR) | Microsoft Azure | South Korea | - | |
United Arab Emirates | Amazon Web Services | United Arab Emirates | 2022 | |
Bahrain | Amazon Web Services | Bahrain | 2019 | |
Mexico Central (ZA) | Microsoft Azure | South Africa | 2024 | |
New Zealand North (NZ) | Microsoft Azure | New Zealand | 2024 | |
Amsterdam #1 (NL) | UpCloud | Netherlands | 2017 | |
North Central US (US) | Microsoft Azure | United States | 2009 | |
North Europe (IE) | Microsoft Azure | Ireland | 2009 | |
Norway East (NO) | Microsoft Azure | Norway | 2019 | |
Norway West (NO) | Microsoft Azure | Norway | - | |
Warsaw #1 (PL) | UpCloud | Poland | 2020 | |
Poland Central (PL) | Microsoft Azure | Poland | 2023 | |
Qatar Central (QA) | Microsoft Azure | Qatar | 2022 | |
Sao Paulo (BR) | Amazon Web Services | Brazil | 2011 | |
Stockholm #1 (SE) | UpCloud | Sweden | 2015 | |
Singapore #1 (SG) | UpCloud | Singapore | 2017 | |
South Africa North (ZA) | Microsoft Azure | South Africa | 2019 | |
South Africa West (ZA) | Microsoft Azure | South Africa | - | |
South Central US (US) | Microsoft Azure | United States | 2008 | |
South Central US STG (US) | Microsoft Azure | United States | - | |
Southeast Asia (SG) | Microsoft Azure | Singapore | 2010 | |
South India (IN) | Microsoft Azure | India | 2015 | |
Spain Central (ES) | Microsoft Azure | Spain | 2024 | |
Sweden Central (SE) | Microsoft Azure | Sweden | 2021 | |
Switzerland North (CH) | Microsoft Azure | Switzerland | 2019 | |
Switzerland West (CH) | Microsoft Azure | Switzerland | - | |
UAE Central (AE) | Microsoft Azure | United Arab Emirates | - | |
UAE North (AE) | Microsoft Azure | United Arab Emirates | 2019 | |
London #1 (GB) | UpCloud | United Kingdom | 2012 | |
UK South (GB) | Microsoft Azure | United Kingdom | 2016 | |
UK West (GB) | Microsoft Azure | United Kingdom | 2017 | |
Chicago #1 (US) | UpCloud | United States | 2014 | |
Northern Virgina (US) | Amazon Web Services | United States | 2006 | |
Ohio (US) | Amazon Web Services | United States | 2016 | |
New York #1 (US) | UpCloud | United States | 2020 | |
San Jose #1 (US) | UpCloud | United States | 2018 | |
California (US) | Amazon Web Services | United States | 2009 | |
Oregon (US) | Amazon Web Services | United States | 2011 | |
West Central US (US) | Microsoft Azure | United States | 2016 | |
West Europe (NL) | Microsoft Azure | Netherlands | 2010 | |
West India (IN) | Microsoft Azure | India | - | |
West US (US) | Microsoft Azure | United States | 2012 | |
West US 2 (US) | Microsoft Azure | United States | 2007 | |
West US 3 (US) | Microsoft Azure | United States | 2021 |