Hundreds of laptops and PCs connected to a central server, symbolizing a HTTP server benchmark scenario.
Aug 23, 2024
New Benchmarks: Static Web Server Workloads
Measuring the performance of a static HTTP server being bombarded with requests for 1 to 512 kb files.
AI-generated image showing multiple persons working on laptops analyzing data and charts.
Jul 29, 2024
Exploring the 2024 Cloud Use Cases Landscape
Our latest survey on preferred cloud compute features, deployment methods, and related tooling.
The cover of a report on Benchmarking the impact of the Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative.
Jul 16, 2024
The EU Must Keep Funding Open Source!
The Next Generation Internet programs are at risk! Raising awareness to keep NGI funded.
Image showing the logos of the NVIDIA Inception Program and Spare Cores, next to a laptop with charts on it.
Jul 15, 2024
Spare Cores Joins NVIDIA Inception
The program benefits boost and extend our performance benchmarking efforts, especially for AI/ML tools with GPUs.
Hetzner Cloud's CX server family media photo taken from
Jul 11, 2024
A closer look at Hetzner Cloud's new CX servers
Cheaper and better performance compared to the previous generation of shared Intel® Xeon® vCPU plans?
Screenshot of a slide presented on Spare Cores at the Berlin Buzzwords 2024 conference.
Jun 11, 2024
Spare Cores at the Berlin Buzzwords 2024 conf
Debuted Spare Cores at a major in-person conference for the first time! Slides and video recording available.
Memory bandwidth benchmarks for the c7a.4xlarge instance type at AWS.
May 28, 2024
Unlocking Cloud Compute Performance
All benchmarks are wrong, but some are useful... especially when numerous scenarios and methods are provided.
AI-generated cover image on a DevOps conference with many attendees.
Apr 24, 2024
Meet the Spare Cores team live at conferences
We are excited to publicly announce the Spare Cores project to the dev community at three events in June/July.
Plot showing when we failed or managed to start a r7i.2xlarge instance in various AWS availability zones.
Apr 16, 2024
Spot server termination rate per availability zones
AWS publicizes the expected termination rate of the spot instances per region, but what about AZs?
Is it worth the time? XKCD comic.
Mar 19, 2024
67% costs savings at adtech company
Case Study: reducing monthly cloud expenses by $3k via migrating from AWS Batch to self-managed instances.
The "Hide the pain Harold" meme.
Feb 14, 2024
When to use resource ids, or prefer the names?
The use of resource ids and names differs by vendor ... and might be even the same. Integer? String? None?
Banner showing the number of applicants and accepted projects into the 3rd Open Call of NGI Search.
Jan 18, 2024
Project takeoff: NGI Search grant award
Spare Cores was selected as a winner project out of 94 applications: awarded 150k EUR for open-source work.